Question: Fundraising Problem

Last year, by February, the President stopped going to the meetings. In march, he still organized and ran a fundraiser without consulting anyone. The treasurer got an invoice from the company supplying the product for $1,500. The president was slow to respond then sent an e-mail to the treasurer saying he did not know what happened to the checks and money. We are looking for the best way to handle the situation 1)with regards to the Presidents financial responsiblility and 2) in trying to recover not only the $1,500 to pay the invoice but the additional $900 that we are also missing out on

Asked by Anonymous



Advice from PTO Today

Rockne writes:
It sure does sound fishy, eh? Do you still have regular contact with this former president? Did he run fundraiser completely alone? Were the checks deposited in your account? (If not, the parents have not been charged, by the way... you may be able to get some re-written checks.) This is a tough one because -- for example if the checks simply were never cashed/ were lost -- then police might think it's either a) more poor habits than crime; or b) too small $-wise to treat too seriously. On other hand, if checks were cashed by this person somehow, then I'd be talking to authorities already. Tim

Community Advice

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