Question: Teacher appreciation week

Who pays for the teacher appreciation gifts? Should that come out of the PTO acct. or should the officers pay for them out of pocket? We only have 4 officers and over 30 teachers and staff which is going to get expensive really fast.

Asked by davisyellowjacket



Community Advice

DMeganR writes:
We have it as a line item in our PTO budget.

Advice from PTO Today

Rose H writes:
Hi davisyellowjacket,

Groups tackle this in different ways. Some groups do have a line item in the budget, while others may do a specific fundraiser or request for donations. We also know that many groups do lots of Teacher Appreciation events very inexpensively. For example, parent groups host luncheons for teachers in which parents donate the food.

Here are some articles that have fun and inexpensive ideas:

6 Low Cost Teacher Appreciation Ideas 

Last Minute Teacher Appreciation Ideas 

Good luck!
Rose C.

Community Advice

Shellilong1 writes:
I offer to take a day during teacher appreciation week and bake Otis Spunkmeyer and David's Cookies. Either at the start if the so teachers come into the smell if fresh baked cookies or over their lunch break. This is a signing bonus for a fall sale breaches get to preview the product this way. Shelli Long Innovative Fundraisers. Message me and I can reserve your day in Florida!

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