Question: Reimbursements on taxes

Our PTO this year is a brand new board. I am the treasurer. Due to some politics within the previous PTO, the direction we have taken is to basically start over without losing our 501 3 c status. We opened up a new bank account recently, but prior to our account approval, we needed to buy things for our recent school party. We didn't have access to any funds from the previous bank account so everyone who was able to make purchases for the party, did so. We also, didn't have the tax exempt ID to present to the merchants at the time of all our purchases, so naturally, we all paid tax. At the time that checks are written, can I reimburse taxes paid?

Asked by cavdog



Community Advice

mum24kids writes:
Yes, you can (and should). The people who helped you out shouldn't be penalized.

Community Advice

rjmat writes:
If you are asking if you can refund all the taxes that were paid back to yourselves, then the answer would be NO. I suspect that it is a nominal amount and probably is not worth the aggravation. Just move forward with the new board and for any new purchases, present the Tax exempt ID to the vendor.

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