

Are term limits required?

Are term limits required in PTO bylaws? If so, what is the maximum length of time for term limits for officers?

Your PTO is free to set its own policy regarding how long an officer can stay in any one board position. But Elly thinks it’s definitely a good thing to consider defining term limits for your PTO officers.

Elly recommends that you cap an officer’s service at two years. Rotating officers every two years allows for fresh energy and new perspectives in a group. In addition, parents are more likely to step forward and run for a board position when they’re not up against your devoted secretary who’s served the PTO for the past 20-odd years. Two-year limits level the playing field and make the opportunity of serving in an office position more accessible to every member of your group.

- Elly
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i think it should be in the by laws ours is 2 yrs (i would like to push for a t least 3.(enrolment may make a difference too and someone who is willing to step up) but 2 years for a treasure position just seems too short they just get the books then have to hand them over to someone knew to figure it out....
- boxy
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