

Funding Field Trips for students

Can PTO/PTA have a fund in the budget to help students that can not afford field trips?

Yes, I believe you can. (Caveat -- I suppose there could be non-profit regs on a state level that would proscribe this, but I don't know of any.) Best practice I've seen for doing that is establishing that fund but leaving the doling out of that money to principal or guidance staff. A bit of a funny spot for the PTO leadership to be in the position to make the calls (and have that kind of personal info) on who is needy. Your PTO doesn't need to know exactly which students are benefiting. Tim
- Rockne
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we fund school trips or specific students. its part of our budget, or its voted on if it's something that comes up. It aligns with our mission statement in our by laws (inclusive etc)
I will say that our PTO will never pay for the transportation as part of a trip. That responsibility falls to the school.
- HelloRosa
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