

power of president

need to knnow if the presideent of the pto has the power to chang bbylaws and make decisions without the invoment of to members or can tthe excutive commitee do it without membership envlolmennt making the decisions on what fundraisers and the money is spent as well tthank you
- kizo

Typically it takes a two-thirds vote of members to amend your bylaws. The procedure should be stated in your bylaws. However, what fundraisers to run and how to spend money aren't likely covered in your bylaws. Bylaws are for major issues like stating the make-up of the executive board, defining who can be a member, etc. A typical policy for choosing a fundraiser involves having a fundraising committee review the options, choose the most viable, then present the pluses and minuses to the executive board. It makes sense to present this at a general meeting as well, since fundraisers require broad support to be successful. As far as spending money, a common procedure is to require approval on funds over a certain amount.
- Craig
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