

Ideas for 4th grade farewell party

Every year our school host a good bye party for 4th graders moving up to intermediate school. Do you have any good theme or game ideas?

You could have them play 5th grade True or False: A volunteer reads aloud statements (some obviously false and others factual) about life in 5th grade; the 4th grader who is called upon must answer as to whether it’s true or not. You can give out a prize right or wrong. Another game-4th grade BINGO. Depending on how many 4th graders you have, this might take some time and effort. If you can get each student’s class pictures on a cd (your principal can sometimes get this from the school photographer) it makes life easier. Then you just cut and paste the students images onto a grid on your computer to make BINGO cards. Ideally, each student would get one with their own image in the center space. Again, good job for someone handy with the computer who’s got time to work on this now. During the game, instead of calling B 11, a volunteer would be calling “Johnny Smith” and kids would mark it if they had it. Just be sure you scramble the kids photos on the cards to make them all different otherwise you’ll end up with 70 winners at once if they’re all identical. Another fun thing might be to have the kids make a time capsule to be opened at another time (high school graduation??) A PowerPoint presentation set to music that features all students from kindergarten up to current year is always neat for parents to see at these things, too.
- Patty C @ PTO Today
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