

Do you have to go through the board about everyting?

Do you have to go through the board for everything or can the president make decision on their oun

You need to view your bylaws...everyone's are our school the president brings idea's to the board we make a decisiona nd then bring it to our next pto meeting to be voted on by the general members.
- Pammom3b
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Our Board makes all of the decisions. We have a very large board, usually 20 +. Most parents are busy and unless they are involved as a Board member, just want to know where to 'sign up,' and where and what to do. We also have lots of non-Board related committees to keep parents involved. These committes report to a Board member who in turn reports back at monthly Board meetings. We strongly encourage parent suggestions an involvement and all Board meetings are open. (However, only Board members may vote.) We do our best to keep parents informed through the weekly school e-news. With all of the busy schedules, this has worked very well for our middle school.
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