

Combining PTOs from the same district

Is there any experience in combining PTOs in the same school district? For example, elementary, middle and high school become one PTO.
- Francie

Hi Francie -- Lots of school districts, particularly in smaller towns, have one PTO that covers all of the schools. Often there's a board member from each school. There are some challenges to this approach, though, in terms of how you divide your resources. For example, do schools do separate fundraisers with each one keeping the money they raise? Or do you do one overall fundraiser and divide your spending among all schools as you see fit? If parents think their fundraising dollars are going to a different school, they might be less likely to participate. We posted your question on the Messages Boards, where you are likely to get some input from people in this situation. Here's the link: Combining PTOs from the same district.
- Craig
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