

Non Profit/501(c)(3) etc.

Our PTO is very small. Our annual gross receipts are approx. $25K - $30K. We have a tax id number. 1) Are we considered non-profit by having a tax id #. 2) If we choose not to establish a 501(c)(3) which would require us to fill out the 990EZ, is there any tax forms that we submit annually to the IRS? We are new and we're trying to make the right decisions. We are in CA. Thank you!
- r4pack

A tax id number (also known as TIN and EIN) is the corporate equivalent to a Social Security number, an unique identifier, for an organization. When the number is used for identification rather than employment tax reporting, it is usually referred to as a TIN. When it is used for purposes of reporting employment taxes, it is usually referred to as an EIN. The issuance of an EIN to a non-profit organization is separate and distinct from the organization actually obtaining non-profit status with the IRS. Since 2006, most small tax-exempt organizations whose gross receipts are normal $25,000 or less must file Form 990-N, Electronic Notice for Tax-Exempt Organizations. IRS Customer Account Services at 1-877-829-5500 (a toll-free number) would be an important and helpful resource.
- bblake
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