

District Budget Cuts/Our Involvement

We are an arts magnet school. District said to cut two positions. Half of one of those was one of our two instrumental teachers. I am getting LOTS of inquiries from members about our (lack) of involvement in trying to get decision reversed. We had informally decided that wasn't a place we needed to go... politically. Thought maybe we could just inform members of their city/county/school board reps and contact info. Not concerned with school board - just about our role in questioning the principal's decisions about personnel changes. Anyone have any comments/suggestions?
- likemp

Hi likemp -- Good idea to think before you leap there. Different parent groups do differnet things on that front. Some are very politically active on many fronts. Others choose to only work politically on school-specific issues (perhaps like the one you've described). Still others choose to remain out of that type of debate at all, thinking that politics and community-building/parent involvement are two different things. It's really a questioon about what your group wants to be. Good to discuss that. There's no doubt that the political activism can create acrimony. It's almost the definition of politics (heartfelt debate over issues with winners and losers). There are some parents at your school who likely support the recent budget decisions. If you advocate the opposite way, will you lose those parents? Perhaps. So my advice is to first discuss your group's philosophy on politics and come to some agreement there... and then use that decision to determine your involvement on this specific issue. Tim
- Rockne
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