

combining schools

Our town is closing one elementary school and changing the structure of the others from K-5 to K-2 and 3-5. Our school will become a K-2 and we will be getting new families from the closed school and our new "sister" 3-5 school. What is the best way to transition board members and all the new families to our school - especially from the school that is being closed. Thanks for the advise!
- csnkrushin

If you can, start now. Organize a picnic or some other social event for families who will be attending the restructured school. Print up some school T-shirts with a slogan reflecting the merger. Reach out to PTO members from the other schools to talk about reorganization. Plan some special events for the first day of school. The key is to make new students and parents feel both welcome and at home in the new school. Focusing on school spirit will help the kids adjust. The story When Schools Merge has some terrific ideas and practical advice from PTO leaders who have gone through it. Good luck!
- Craig
Links in this post:

When Schools Merge: https:/