

Check Signers

Who and how many people sign checks for your PTO? Our teacher rep. felt strongly we need 2 signers for every check and that our treasurer should be a signer. We removed the treasurer as a signer, but she processes and writes checks, then turns them over to be signed by one of 3 signers.
- Rebecca Brandt

Either our Treasurer or President has the ability to sign checks. Only one signature is required though.
- CMay2CK
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Thank you for answering! Who processes your checks for signature? The same person who signs?
- Rebecca Brandt
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Some of our groups that have had bad experiences with theft in other organizations have included in their by-laws that the President and the Treasurer must sign the checks. The bank cannot accept a check without both signatures. It's safer.
- drmike
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I'm not clear about your question about processing. What kind of process do you have? Our treasurer and persident have the ability to sign a check. The first line would be the treasurer. As someone who coordinates a lot of events that require a check for a vendor or a check for reimbursement, when I need a check I call or email the treasurer, let her know the amount and who it's payable to. If it's a reimbursement, then I let her know I have a reimbursement form filled out, with a copy of the receipt needed. If the check is for a vendor, like the caterer for the auction, she'll be on hand to disperse the check. If the treasurer was out of town, the president would be the one I'd ask. In the 6 years and 4 treasurer's I've been at the school, not once have I had to ask the president.
- badpants
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By processing I mean the person who has the checkbook and actually writes the checks. In our PTO, we separated the ability to write the checks and the ability to sign the checks, as a precaution. Our bank has told us that they barely look to see if one signature on a check is correct, let alone two. With electronic processing of the checks at the bank, a second signature doesn't appear to matter. It probably does at the PTO level in terms of more people knowing what checks are going out.
- Rebecca Brandt
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We actually have 4 signers on our account and each check requires 2 signatures. Because many of our parents work, we have found that access to multiple people to sign a check is easier. As far as a safety measure, we require 2 people to approve and sign every check.
- Radmomincali
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As a current Treasurer, I sign along with either the President or VP as our account requires 2 signers. If I need a reimbursement check for myself I do not sign the check but have the other 2 sign it. We do use many of the forms found here and have created some of our own. We just want to have as much documentation as needed in case of an audit and to show parents how we are spending money they helped raise.
- debmsd
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