

Who Decides the Fund-Raisers?

I am and have been the fund raising chairperson for our PTO for years. I haven't had any issues with raising the necessary amount of money that has been needed. I always take into consideration the families of our schools and adjust the fund-raisers based on feedback and our needs. In other words, I play fair. In the past I've always dealt with presidents who have allowed me to do my job without interference. They trusted me to do what was in the best interest of the children and the PTO. This year we have a new president who started by telling me not to start anything without her approval. School is right around the corner so I sent an e-mail asking her for the go-ahead to get prepared for our first fund raisers which are pretty popular. She completely ignored me and told me to sign us up for XXX sales. I have spent years building community involvement and simplicity (and removing difficult fund-raising efforts) for our hard-working and partially low-income families and she tore it all down with this request. Am I bound to her dictation or is this a decision for the fund raising committee and the members? She has made it clear that the bylaws will allow the board to be the only voters in the PTO so going to the board doesn't seem promising. What can I do?
- AlexandraRose

As the fundraising chair, you would think the board would want to do what the fundraising chair is willing to take on. In many groups, the membership votes to accept a fundraiser or not. If your bylaws only allow the board to vote, then that is the way it is until the bylaws change. Maybe your president just wants to see something new. Could you talk with the board and try maybe one or two new fundraisers but stay with two or three tried and true fundraisers?
- bblake
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