

Great Lakes Scrip Center - new fundraiser

We are trying to launch this fundraiser at our schoool and was wondering if anyone has any great marketing ideas to get this program off the ground?
- dgleason18

Hi dgleason - I imagine the folks at great lakes will have some tools and ideas for you for specific themes or launch ideas, but I can tell you that in my experience scrip is a bit different than a traditional fundraiser (where the kick-off and lots of excitement is normal and the whole thing is over in 3 weeks). Scrip is more long-term and you want to educate your parents and bring in converts/supporters as you can. With a traditional gift wrap sale, you want 60% of your families to buy something in the 3 week period. In scrip, you can do very well long-term if you start with 10 and then get to 20 then 30 then 40 families, etc. So it's a bit of a different mindset. Of course, if you can do some creative things to jump-start and get to 20 or 30 faster -- great!
- Rockne
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