Question: Newly Established PTO

We are operating in our first year as a PTO. I have obtained a new EIN, but I am unsure of the other forms that I am responsible for as Treasurer. I live in the Mississippi. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Asked by trichardson2



Community Advice

Dyanne from PTO Today writes:
Congratulations on your new position! There are some great articles on PTO TODAY to help you get started. I recommend "How to Start a PTO." It includes the basics such as opening a bank account, and tips such as how to pick the right bank. Another great article is "What Every Treasurer Should Know," with great advice and tips on how to handle the treasurer's job. Once you are in the articles you will find many links to similar information. We also offer a PTO Today Treasurer's Toolkit - free for PTO TODAY Plus Members.

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