

PTA Insurance coverage vs PTO coverage

We are trying to decide the best move as far as switching due to insurance coverage. We would like to know how the PTA protects their PTA group if the group ever needed their insurance policy. Of the insurance package PTO plus has, what would considered the best package for a small PTO group?
- toni7tabbie8

Hi toni - PTA insurance and PTO insurance works much the same way, meaning it's not the PTA or PTO Today that protects you but rather an insurance policy. Different state PTAs have different insurance deals in terms of who the carrier is and what policies are included, etc. With PTO Today (and with many state PTAs) you can pretty much decide which coverages you want for your group. Many years ago, PTAs got much, much better rates than PTOs for insurance because no one had ever put together a group package for PTOs. That has changed. Today, the coverage available is virtually the same and the prices are fairly comparable. You should be able to get quotes and compare apples-apples fairly easily. Tim
- Rockne
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The most common insurance coverage that PTOs purchase is a combination of general liability and excess accident medical. General liability insurance provides coverage in the event of a third party bodily injury (non-participant injury) or property damage claim. In addition, the excess accident medical coverage provides coverage to participant injury during PTO-sponsored events. With these policies groups are covered from injury that may occur at meetings and events. Through our insurance provider Aon, we also offer D&O – coverage for officers, Fidelity Bond – coverage for theft of PTO funds, and property coverage. To learn more about the types of coverage visit If you have specific questions please contact me at Paula
- pmullen
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