

Power hungry person running PTA

We have a woman who has been the president of a local unit for many years, and recently was voted out, however took over the Council without knowledge of the membership. She is a bully and verbally attacks volunteers make false allegations against them. How do we stop her from doing this ?

What council did she take over? I am lost...
- jeciwall28
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We are a PTA, and the next level up after the Local is a council which represent all the schools in our district.
- alexandriad
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Was she voted into this "council" position? I don't understand how a person who was voted out of president would be appointed to a different and higher chair within the organization. Sounds to me like the people she is attacking need to file a formal complaint in writing to the school and to the council in which she is seated. There is power in numbers. If the council feels like they will lose volunteers because of her then they should take action and remove her.
- jeciwall28
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