

Can one person run a PTO?

I get along with a lot of the parents at my school. I have five members that are in the PTO with me. Lately, it seems like I have been doing 75% of the boards duties, plus what I do at the school anyway with my son's own class.most say it's because they don't like our school's Liaisons who is supposed to work ith us Do you think I should try to recruit new board members
- wendym

I think you should try to recruit new very involved volunteers. Trying to oust the current board members wouldn't be worth the political/social drama. It's not about who has the titles; it's about getting good stuff done for your school and your kids and families. If you can find one or three or five parents who want to get more involved, find good roles for them and help them figure things out. They may wind up doing work that the other board members should be doing, but that's OK. And if you have elections coming up this Spring or Fall, these new folks will probably wind up in leadership positions. My advice: why create drama when it isn't necessary? Tim
- Rockne
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Thanks Tim. today I acutally did just what you suggested. I hope that we can accomplish all the goals we set for our school. And you're right about causing unnecessary drama. Wendy M.
- wendym
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You are not alone Wendy. Just know that the kids and staff really do appreciate it :-)
- Stephi
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