

protocol when principal wants to see the books

What is the protocol when a principle wants to see the books. Should a treasure leave the books in the principles possession? Should the treasurer be present when the books are being analyzed?

The treasurer should never give up the original books, except for an end of year review/audit. Instead, make copies of the check register for the principal and give him a copy of your latest transaction report and performance-to-budget report. It's a little unusual for the principal to ask to review the books. Is there a problem he's concerned about?
- Craig
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The principal has the right to see evry financial document and receipt that goes in and out of the school related to monies raised by the stakeholders. In the case of any questions, the principal is ultimately on the executive committee and can be legally held to the same level of accountability. It is imy suggestion they are shown in a meeting, but not "turned over", as no principal should ever WANT the records in sole possession.
- srichards
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