

PTO Treasurer Stealing

Found out last week that my PTO Treasurer had been writing checks to herself since December 2010. The total amount stolen was almost $4000. In trying to keep our School’s name out of the papers, we allowed her mother ((who also works at the school)) to pay this money back on her behalf and have not pressed charges. My question to you all would be, how would you handle this situation?

I would recommend that you press charges. While it would be embarrassing briefly for her mother, we are responsible for ourselves as adults. By allowing her to get away with no consequences, there is nothing out there to warn the next group about her behavior, leaving her free to steal again.
- rm9116
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I am in favor of pressing charges. But I am trying to weigh the pros and cons of the repercussions that it might have on our school if this gets to the press. Any thoughts on that???
- smcdermott
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Have a plan in place on how to prevent this in the future so it won't happen again, then answer the press honestly. An honest "we thought we could trust this person, but she betrayed our school, so we have put new procedures in place so that it never happens again" puts the blame where it should be (on the PTO treasurer) and then shows that you have closed the loophole that she exploited. I'd still press charges. If anyone else knew and gets caught as well, then they also deserve to pay whatever consequences are required.
- rm9116
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