

Conflict with member of PTO

The Secretary of our PTO has been stirring up problems all year long and is now going to be Copresident for 2011-2012. She just quit by email and 2 hours later asking to be reinstated. What do we do? She just can't handle the job and I am afraid she will quit again.
- opto

The PTO is a business, and I would respond accordingly. Perhaps composing an email response to everyone who received the email resignation. This email should be professional; compliment her on her strengths this past year, and put forth the challenges for the new year. You might state the requirements and demands of the president position and question her time and commitment for the new year. If the email is composed without bitterness, but rather with compliments and concern, she will not feel attacked and will more likely be able to come to the right answer for herself. If she decides to stay, congratulate her on her decision to take on such a stressful position and tell her how much you all look forward to the new year. This type of communication will usually bring forth a real commitment and may improve her relationships on the board. She will be stating her commitment, like a contract, and aspire to succeed in her new role.
- Trisa
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