

box tops

How do we get started in saving box tops and what do we get to do with them for the school. I AM NOT FAMILAR WITH IT. i KNOW THAT THE GRADE SCHOOL SAVES THEM BUT I don't know what to do with them after I save them. We want to get the parents involved in saving them.
- is the official website and you need to register your school and designate a coordinator. Once you have a coordiantor the website is very helpful and based on my experience I have emailed them questions and they are quick to respond. You can send flyers home to promote collecting them and there is clipart on the web when you just google box tops. You earn $$ for your school. Box Tops has 3(I think) deadlines a year and you will receive a check for the Box Tops you submit. Relatively very easy way to earn money!!
- annamp0
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Box Tops is a great way to make extra cash for your school. You earn ten cents with each one submitted. They have promotional programs during the year also. Checks are made out to the school PTA or PTO on Dec. 15th and April 15th. We have a box tops submission campaign among the students. The class that submits the most in one month gets a pizza party or sub party. We are also enrolled in Labels for Education. They also have a web site, labels for With them, you earn points with your submission and can earn enough to use for gym equipment, and other things for your school. I don't know if Sunny D (juice) is sold in your home location, but they have a program to collect their labels and for every 20 labels submitted qualifies you for 20 free books. Hope this helps. Let me know.
- Wright
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