

voting on a new sub-committee

The new sub-committee was voted in the will only assist half of the kids at school in the core knowledge program. Is it wrong to have a vote by the PTO that is not based on any activities for only one educational side of the school? Do the other parent on the traditional side need a say in the vote for whether it applied to the mission statement or to them even though only the core group of parents voted (6) when there is over 470 kids that could be effect by this vote that was already passed.
- husker mom

Have you discussed your concerns with the president or board members? They may have had good reasons and they may not, but a good approach in situations like this is to try to understand exactly what they were thinking in creating the new committee. Once you understand their point of view, it becomes easier to formulate arguments that will register with them. The result might not be eliminating the committee -- which would be hard since it has already been formed -- but it might involve limiting the scope of the committee to deal with particular issues or topics, for example. When you approach them, make it clear that you want to understand the purpose and the duties of the committee. Consider the answers, then based on that consideration, present your concerns. In that way you're most likely to find a solution that everyone is comfortable with, rather than being confrontational from the start.
- Craig
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