

Funds for Field Trips

We are a new PTO and a new school. We recently had a couple of teachers who requested funds for a field trip. What's protocol? Should the board approve the funds? My concern is that there are 9 teachers and since this is the first group that has approached us- how do we make it equal without giving an advantage to those that approached us first?
- jguzman1000

As a new PTO, you are in a great position to think about what would make a good field trip policy. Before funding trip requests as they come up, it is a good idea to know how you want to approach field trips. Some groups see field trips as a core part of what they fund. Others don't see field trips as part of their mission and would rather put their money towards programs that "last longer.'' Some PTOs determine a set amount to give to each grade level as a way to supplement, but not fully pay for, field trips. This article on funding field tripsmight give you some useful information -- it says the majority of groups give field trips some support. But in the end, it has to be what feels right for your group.
- Rose H
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