

Gift Cards and accountability

What should we do if our President and Vice-President are in charge of the gift card inventory and refuse to have it audited by other people in the organization?
- tmontanari

I wonder how exactly they have REFUSED? To you individually or to the quorum at a meeting? In either case, take that as a red flag. Simplest is to ask them directly, why are you refusing? Look at this great stuff for information about the importance of having financial controls in place. And if there are already 2 people (Pres and VP) unfortunately that has the appearance of double-checking but if they are working together and something is wrong, it's not helping. The danger here is having to watch your back when all you are asking for is honest accountability. Don't go it alone (speaking from experience, which, if need be, I swear is true under penalty of perjury, if there is something wrong they are trying to hide they may look for a scapegoat and it can get really ugly very fast for no reason other than their desire to keep it all hidden and shut you up.) Speak frankly to your treasurer. Or other members who share your concerns. Do not let the Pres and VP hinder your communicating with other members. Do so face to face in person maybe over coffee. Then simply raise your hand at a meeting (or have the treasurer do so) and referencing your research from here on PTO today smart financial controls make a motion for an independent audit and have another person ready to second the motion. If the motion dies, raise your hand and ask the question of why they don't want an audit, don't just accept a no vote. Have someone in mind to do the audit, again most likely a trusted treasurer but maybe you need someone outside the organization like a parent who works in finances or has their own business--or simply ask that the books be laid open at the meeting for everyone to examine if their concern is expense of an audit. (It's not necessary it be an accountant or even that you pay for the audit unless you have complicated bookkeeping. If it's essentially a bank account and check book and a gift card inventory and use record, it ought to be easily accounted for.) Best wishes. Hope it all turns out to be OK.
- firefighter464
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Also bring up the FANTASTIC advice provided here by tmontanari about not having the people who handle the gift cards also handle the bookkeeping of the gift cards. (or checkbook) Just that advice alone should be imprinted onto the minds of everyone involved in PTO:
- firefighter464
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They have said that they have it under control.... it's always been done like this... they know what is going on and do not see any reason that anyone else should be a part of the auditing of the inventory... Without being charged with slander, there is most definately "something" going on here. I am just not clear if it is only a control issue or a real problem with funds. I do find it interesting that the information is not being shared. I am going to print out your very helpful response and also the smart financial controls you referenced and present it at the next meeting. Thank you so very much for your good advice. Please let me know if you have anything else to offer. :)
- tmontanari
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OOPS! Did not see that you tmontanari were the one asking this! Ha ha! If you are an accountant, you recognize the issues at hand here. Best of luck, and as I said, watch your back! And I still think your other advice was spot on for all who read PTO Today. This si business not a social club.
- firefighter464
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Oh oh oh! This is important for any and all PTO meetings where there is any possibility of questioning the doings of the President. You may also want to ask the President and VP to step down from leading the meeting in which their accounts are being called into question. You really need to step lightly here as you ask this, just point out that it is the ethical way of following Roberts Rules, that it would be improper for them to lead a meeting that concerns their activities and assure them that as the audit is completed, their leading of meetings will be restored. **Rather than do this publicly,** you may want to get the Pres, VP, Secretary and Treasurer privately on board with this before hand. Stress the importance of projecting a sense of no improprieties to the quorum. That if everything is fine they have nothing to worry about (and frankly you will probably be able to judge that based upon their reaction to this request--even if it is just control issues and not financial wrongdoing.)
- firefighter464
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