

PTA Party

This might be a silly question but my brain is on overdrive these days and I need some ideas. Has anyone ever had a casual end of the year PTA party? What did you do? Ours is pot luck and we have some gifts for our board members and room parents but we need some ideas for activities.

Hi! Not silly at all! I'm thinking we could put this question on our message boards and/or our page and I bet we'd get some great answers form PTO leaders.
- Rose H
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That would be great! May seems to be such a busy month I can't get creative on this one.
- hbingham
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How about Karaoke? Nothing better than the PTO Prez and the principal singing Islands in the Stream together right? LOL!!! Seriously though, something that would allow everyone to get a chuckle together would be great, something like PTO Charades, where all the charade words are school/event/fundraiser related or a PTO Pictionary. Nothing to be taken too seriously. You could even gather a small group of 5th graders and play Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? Good luck and I hope your party is a blast.
- CPerry
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Hi again! Circling back with some ideas: From our message boards: From Facebook: Good luck and have a great time celebrating with your fellow volunteers!
- Rose H
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Hello to all party lovers. I have a serious question for you. Yesterday we had a really good time hanging out with friends, and we hung out so much that today I’m suffering from a terrible hangover, does anyone know how to speed up the recovery process?
- Porton
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Hello! I understand you. After fun parties, I also have a bad hangover. Try drinking water between alcoholic drinks to stay hydrated. Also, eating something nutritious before and after the party can help alleviate symptoms. If you are really suffering, try taking vitamins and headache medications, or turn to IV Vegas. Don't forget about rest, it's important too. I hope these tips help you deal with hangovers better!
- Naten
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