

Officers on a PTO

Are there certain offices that are required and others that are optional on a PTO Board?

A board really needs a treasurer, or someone dedicated to handling the banking (incoming, outgoing funds, bank statements, etc.) and it needs if not a president, then a plan for running the group. What I mean is a group can technically not have an official president, but have a system in place where someone is leading the meetings and a system in place to answer questions and handle issues as they arise.  Ideally, you want someone in charge, but a group can get by with this type of plan. As far as the other positions go, they are pretty much optional. Groups use a variety of structures, from having co-presidents to a president/vice president (and sometimes to vice presidents). Also it is common to have two secretaries, a recording secretary (for minutes) and a corresponding secretary. Often, the exact structure can be  dictated by the number of people interested in getting involved in the group.
- Rose H
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