

PTO President Resigns

Out PTO President suddenly resigned... not sure how to handle? Any suggestions
- cstracco

An unexpected resignation can feel like you've gotten the wind knocked out of you. But, there's a lot you can do, and, to look on the bright side, if this has to happen, this is pretty good timing -- as the school year is essentially over. So a few questions. Is there a current board member who can essentially take on the president's duties and can the board as it stands now (is there a vice president, secretary and treasurer?) take care of getting the next school year off the ground? What's important is to make sure the functions that the president handled (running meetings, helping committee chairs, etc.) are covered by the remaining board members -- and that is just fine until you have a new official president.

In terms of things to handle immediately, your group needs to keep the principal informed, and you need to get word out to the parents.  Do you have any other meetings this year? If so, the president can officially submit his or her resignation to the board. Consult your bylaws to see if there are any rules pertaining holding an election to officially fill the position next year. If you don't have additional meetings, you can send an update to parents over the summer about any board changes. (Don't send out an emergency email about it now -- that could cause parents to worry.)

Good luck!
- Rose H
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If your past president had access to the PTO bank account, you should have him/her removed immediately. Also, ask that any and all PTO property, materials, papers, receipts, monies, etc., are turned over to another officer ASAP. If this person is no longer associated with the PTO, gathering those things and making the effort to return them will not remain a priority for very long. After you have followed procedures outlined in your bylaws to put a new president in place and fill any other board vacancy that may have been created by this, just move forward with business as usual. Even if you feel your group was left in the lurch, remain neutral when discussing the departure. Don't burn bridges and don't allow negative talk - this person will still have friends in the school family, and so will his or her children.
- nlcarr
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