

Carnival Planning

I am currently planning our first ever fall carnival to be held in September. I was wondering if anyone had any tips or advice on how to run a smooth carnival. We are using this as a fundraising event. We are holding the carnival from 4-7pm. We plan on having games such duck pond, ring toss, and other typical carnival games. We are also going to offer temporary tattoos and colored hair spray. There will have a bounce house. We are going to have a concession stand to serve hot dogs, nachos, popcorn and sno cones. I am really just looking for any tips, tricks or advice to make sure everything runs smooth. Thanks in advanced!
- jaydey

Make sure you have plenty of dependable volunteers that know exactly when and where to be! Good Luck!!
- brookebarthold
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I agree with the above answer! You need to over book volunteers because people will end up sick (me and my daughter we both throwing up on Fall Festival night last year:( or they just won't show up. Also make sure they are clear on how to run the game because if they are giving out too much then you will run out. The last few years we sold play all tickets a head of time for $10 this gave them 1 play at each game. If they bought them at the door it was $12 this just helped cut down on lines (we have a school of 700+ students). Have a hole punch at each game so they can punch their game as played. If you are selling tickets sell them in $5 bundles and have them counted out before hand. If everyone is buying different amount of tickets the line will move very slowly. Make every game the same amount of tickets it is easier on every one!! I hope this helps! If you have any more questions please let me know! This will be my 4th year doing this!!! Good Luck!!
- Knenoff00
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