

Legal status help

My apologies, but I can't find what I'm looking for in the message boards. Information overload. We have bylaws in place, we now have EIN. What is next step? If we are not Plus members, the PTO Startup Toolkit $39? Not able to discuss with other officers yet, but want ducks in row when I do.
- jaimelkc

First of all, please don't apologize! We are here to help. And, it sounds like you are hitting all the key points with your bylaws and EIN in place. So, the PTO Start-up Kit is $39 and it does have a step-by-step guide for applying for 501c (3) status. It also have information on bylaws and basic financials, such as opening a checking account. In addition, you can check articles on the site on specific topics like 501c (3) or other start up issues.
- Rose H
Links in this post:

PTO Start-up Kit: https:/

The toolkit is here:
but perhaps what you really want is the Startup Toolkit
Each of these are $39 if you're not a Plus member. Next steps:
1) consider incorporation
2) download Form 1023 from and start filling it out.
The start-up toolkit explains these two steps.
- gjcoram
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