

Can a presidentswear and yell at another board member?

Im having issues with our new president I didnt concede at election as i felt it was rigged now she is gossiping about me.I had school based meeting and told her because there is no secretart im it according to rro pro tem rules.She then asked me to talk tohear outised and said this Isick of your bull%%^^^&.she is also violating the school and district wide bylaws.
- cornica

Can she? Well, yes, evidently she can because she just did, right? Should she? No. Does any of this support your PTO mission? Probably not. If you are right about her violating bylaws, be clear and stand up and make a motion that her violations be addressed--have someone ready to second your motion, by the way, so it doesn't die for lack of a second. Point is YOU follow ALL the rules. You ignore gossip and gossipers. You tell the truth and behave civilly. Always. Follow through and stay strong and stay focused on bettering your PTO/school for the future of all who come after you.
- firefighter464
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