

Donation Letter

Is there a good, generic donation request letter available free to download? I keep getting the Plus Member pop-up for every file I click on!
- padines53

We do have these donation letters on the File Exchange:

Donation Request Letter 1

Donation Requestion Letter 2

And here's an auction donor thank-you letter, that is also on the File Exchange and that you may want use later on!

I hope this is helpful!

Rose C
Community Manager

- Rose H
Links in this post:

Donation Request Letter 1: https:/

Donation Requestion Letter 2: https:/

an auction donor thank-you letter: https:/

Rose Thanks, so much! You even anticipated my next request of the thank you letter!! Your awesome!!
- padines53
Links in this post:

We're so glad it helped... On the topic of donations, I should also mention that if you have the time to go through our Ultimate Donation List on the Message Boards, you'll pick up all sorts of tips from your peers on strategies for getting donations. Here's the link:

Good luck!

Rose C
- Rose H
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