

fundraising funds

we are thinking of using reloadable debit cards for our teachers. Has anyone ever used these before? and if you have, what one would you suggest? and what issues have you had?

Could you share a little more information on why the teachers would be getting debit cards? We are sure your teachers are wonderful, but we'd raise a big warning flag for you about issuing debit cards against your PTO account.

Rose C.
- Rose H
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oh no.. the debit cards would not be linked to the PTO account at all. these cards would be purchased and loaded with their class money only. we have a school wide fundraiser every October, that is distributed between the teachers, we were trying to figure out an easier way for the teachers to be able to spend their class money, without them having to come to us for every penny, we would still require receipts.
- 1SLM
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What are you going to do if they don't turn in the receipts?
- mum24kids
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Hi again,
So, there are no legal issues here, but as mum24kids points out there could be an issue tracking down receipts.

Rose C.
- Rose H
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Our PTO issues re-imbursements up to $100 per teacher who has become a PTO member. We require them to turn in their receipts in one submission and issue them a check. Re-loadable cards cost around $5 each to purchase, so that means you would be paying for each card in addition to the funds you load on it, plus there is a re-load fee. I know it's nice for convenience, but not worth the extra money that could be used to purchase rewards for students.
- MKDeb
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