

Can a PTO require background checks for board members?

I feel that in day and age that we need to protect the children at our school. We don't always know other parents that want to be on the board for PTO. If they become a board member can we require background checks to make they they have nothing that could be in the way of endangering the children, finances etc?
- annetteswitzer

Yes, you can. Whether you should is debatable, I think. However, there are some schools that require that all their volunteers be subjected to a background check, so if you happen to be in one of those areas, I would think you could rely on that and not do a separate check. But if you do it, you need to be consistent. You can't just decide that because no one knows Sally Smith who wants to be secretary that you subject her to a background check, but because the other officers are generally known, you can skip doing it on them. You should also make sure that your PTO has a fidelity bond to protect the finances if you do end up with a bad apple as the treasurer.
- mum24kids
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A school mandated background check won't necessarily flag embezzlers and thiefs - school districts are looking for people guilty of crimes against children.
I've seen PTOs that require complete background checks on their officers- paid for by the PTO. School districts aren't required to share info nor should they.
- Parttimeparli
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