

Bylaws reference policies

We cannot locate our bylaws and are writing new ones. We already have policies in place for financial controls, officer duties and committee guideline that go into more detail than many of the sample bylaws I've seen. Can and should we reference these guidelines in our bylaws? Or should they be part of the bylaws? I noticed PTO articles that state policies are separate from bylaws but I wasn't sure if you reference them in the bylaws. Thank You.
- de233

PTA refer to those policies (specific school site policies) as Standing Rules. Standing Rules are usually attached to the last page of the school bylaws.
Links in this post:

Yes, groups often have a separate bylaws and policies documents. Bylaws are higher level, if you will, while policies go into greater detail. This article provides a good outline of how to write bylaws and what should and should not be included.

Here's the link: How To Write PTO Bylaws  

Good luck!

Rose C. 

- Rose H
Links in this post:

How To Write PTO Bylaws  : https:/