

Box Tops submitted by UPS as tax write off?

Does anyone use their local UPS store to submit box tops for free? I read this somewhere that the UPS store did it as a tax write off, and was wondering if anyone can give some guidance about how to approach it. Thx!
- Jeannie K.

I haven't heard of that as a company-wide policy. I did a quick search and found one PTO thanking the local UPS store for shipping their box tops for free, so it sounds like something local stores can choose to do if they would like.

As far as approaching it, just contact the manager -- face to face if possible. Tell him about your Box Tops program, the kinds of things it supports at the school, and be sure to tell him you'll thank his store publicly, perhaps on your website and in a communication to parents.

Good luck, and please let us know how it works out!
- Craig
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How much does it cost to send yours in? Are we talking $50-100? Otherwise, I wouldn't think it was worth asking.
- gjcoram
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