

Taxes filed - not tax exempt and not 501c3

I am the president of a PTO and as far as I know we have never filled taxes or an informational form. I don't think we need to, but I am looking for confirmation. We are NOT tax-exempt and we are NOT a 501c3 group. So far everything I have read that mentions filing anything with the IRS is for tax-exempt and/or 501c3. Can someone point me the right direct to look. I am going to the IRS website now to look, but that places scares me. :)

I agree, the IRS website is a little scary! A lot of parent groups are in the same situation you're in. You're not 501c3, but you're not really sure exactly what your legal status is. First of all, the IRS isn't expecting you to file the kind of return that groups that are officially tax-exempt do (form 990-N).

It's possible that your group is operating as a committee of the school. Your money goes into a school account and you don't have and EIN (employer identification number) identifying you as a separate business. In that case, the school is responsible for any filing.

More likely, you're an independent organization with your own EIN. (If you're not sure, check with your bank--it would have been used to open your bank account.) In that case, the IRS expects you to apply for 501c3 status.

Read more about this in the story Know Your Group's Legal Status.
- Craig
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Know Your Group's Legal Status: https:/

Craig, Can you clarify: In the first paragraph you say the IRS isn't expecting them to file the kind of return that groups that are officially tax-exempt do (form 990N) but then in the last paragraph you say it's likely they have their own EIN and the IRS expects them to apply for 501c3 status. In which case, won't the IRS expect them to file the kind of return that groups that are officially tax-exempt do? I ask because I'm in the same situation and am trying to understand (not be critical). Thanks!
- DoinMyBest
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