

taking away memnership of officer

We have asked out PTO Pres serving only 1 yr of her 2 year to step down. She refuses! She has been a control freak and causing a lot of stress your PTO, Nothing in bi laws states this. Roberts rules is confusing. Any ideas
- lisagaga

I am thinking of making a motion at the next meeting to put the removal of the president on the agenda for the next months meeting. Giving the members the 30 days required by Roberts Rules. Then we can vote on her removal at that meeting.
- lisagaga
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Hi Lisagaga,
This seems like a serious step to take. I'm guessing you've exhausted all other options -- sit down meetings, discussions of problems, perhaps even asking the principal to help your discuss issues that may be of concern. You say the current president is a control freak and has caused a lot of stress. But, has she done something wrong, or is she just difficult and unpleasant? Not that "difficult and unpleasant'' is easy. But I just want to point out that voting to get rid of a president is a big step and it is very unsettling for any group. Before resorting to that big step, it helps to make sure it worth doing.
- Rose H
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