


The school's secretary keeps asking for a financial statement or bank statement. Is this normal? We just started the PTO in May. We had 2 fund raisers at the end of the school year. Opened up an account at the bank in June. None of our money even goes through the school. We are a Jr. High/ high school PTO. Any advice will be helpful. Lisa

Hi there,
Have you published any financial information to your group yet? Typically, the treasurer provides a report each month that is an updated financial statement (what's in the bank, what's come in/what's gone out). You could provide that to the school secretary as well.

Rose C.
- Rose H
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why do they need one if the PTO's money has nothing to do with the school?
- lazimm
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Hi again,
You are right, they don't necessarily "need" one. But, I'm thinking that if you make the basic financials available to members and perhaps even publish it, then, you could just pass along that same info to the office. It might become a big deal if you refuse, whereas just passing along info that you are already sharing isn't that big of a deal. (A pick your battles issue.)

Rose C.
- Rose H
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Maybe she's asking for the principal. Ours looks at our financial statements every month; we publish and make them available to any of our members who want them. We have nothing to hide and want all our members comfortable with what we are doing with the money. Perhaps I'm missing something here, but I don't see any downside to giving them to the secretary.
- mum24kids
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