

PTO transition

I am currently new to the PTO rolls but will be taking over president soon. We are currently a fundraising PTO and hope to transition to a parent involvement PTO. Any ideas how to easily do this? We don't currently have a lot if parent involve my activities, so what types are there? We have about $1000 students and currently are a $40,000 A year PTO.
- Mnmcole

Hi Mnmcole,
There are many things you can do to start building parent involvement. For starters, you can begin reaching out to parents by email, Facebook, and flyers to "reintroduce'' your group and say your group is interested in getting parents involved. Hold a casual meeting (consider doing a morning coffee and an evening get together so you reach many parents) to talk to parents about programs they would like to see the PTO do this year. Plan a simple family event for this fall -- try a potluck dinner -- so parents can get together and get to know each other more. From there, you can consider planning a bigger event for the spring -- a small carnival or fair, a walkathon, or some other event that isn't too ambitious but is big enough to showcase your new community.

Good luck!
Rose C.
- Rose H
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