

Two General meetings a month

We have meetings in the evening once a month. While signing people up they expressed a desire for a day time meeting. We are considering holding two general meetings a month. I think that they should be two weeks apart and discuss different topics. I don't see how with Roberts Rules we can discuss and vote and then do the same thing that evening and vote adding the two together for the final numbers. I am of the mind set that we publish the agenda 7 days in advance and if there is a topic that they really feel strongly on parents will make an effort to attend that meeting. Any thoughts or experiences?
- Jelliott

Hi Jelliott,
I think you are right that doing two meetings and trying to make them exactly the same is a hard thing to do. One thing to consider is to alternative monthly meeting times -- one month do a morning, the next month do an evening month. I belonged to a PTO that did that for years. You might consider offering a technology option like Skype to allow folks who can't physically make the meeting participate.

Good luck,
Rose C.
- Rose H
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