

Replace a Co-president?

I am co-president of our PTO. The other president is moving by the end of January to a different state. Do I need to find a replacement for the remainder of the school year or can I continue on my own? Should this be voted on? I do want to mention that we have a very small turn-out of parent support and attendance so would like to "save" a potential replacement for the upcoming year if able.
- rdeck

Hi rdeck,
Double check your bylaws to see if there's any language regarding replacing posts vacated. If there are no requirements to bring in a replacement, then do what you and your team think is best. Totally get what you are saying about "saving" a potential replacement. Do you feel ok about moving forward on your own? Just make sure you have the help you need to close out the year.

All the best!
Rose C.
- Rose H
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