

Conflict of interest if a teacher is the treasurer

Our School principal wants to appoint a Teacher as the PTO Treasurer next year. This seems to me to be a conflict of interest. The teacher has to answer to the principal in her job duties and would be unduly influenced. The principal wants to get control of the money so she can spend it only the way she sees fit.

Hi there,

Understand how you might feel a little anxious when a principal wants to "appoint" someone.

But a few thoughts: Do you hold regular elections? Would this position be open to anyone who wanted to run for it?

If not, and the principal appoints this teacher, try not to be too put off by this. We actually think that teachers can bring a lot of value to a PTO board.

Even if this teacher is the principal's "person" on the board, that doesn't mean it would give the principal any more access to funds, if you have spending procedures in place. In most cases, groups are not able to spend on anything big (say, about $200 or $250 -- there should be something in your bylaws about this) without a vote by the whole group.

Good luck!
- Rose H
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