

Parent Interest Meeting

I am working with the principal of a school for special needs children to reestablish a PTG which is mostly inactive or run sporadically by school staff currently. It has no bylaws, dues, or goals currently. We are having a parent interest meeting this June before the end of the school year (with the hope of reactivating this fall). I'm not really sure what we should address/discuss during this meeting (which hopefully people will attend) to put us in a position where we can relaunch. My initial goal in reforming is to establish better communications between the school and families. The principal is excited about the prospect of volunteers helping out in the school. Any ideas what we should discuss now v hold off on until next year?
- kitkat_137

You might use the meeting to talk about why you feel like a PTG would be helpful and express some of the things you hope to accomplish. (I wouldn't make that list too long.) Then open it up to discussion -- other parents are likely to have ideas and suggestions. Letting them voice those and making this session interactive will help get people more excited about the prospects of a parent group. Before it's over, ask for volunteers to be on an organizing committee -- not officers at this point, just people to help set direction and get things organized. If you leave with a handful of people who will help get bylaws in order, etc., you'll be in great shape to elect officers at back-to-school time and move forward.

Good luck!
- Craig
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