

Starting a New PTO

I am very interested in starting a new PTO at my daughter's school. They currently have no parent group at all, and are in need of funds for the AR program. I am new to the area and school but would be very willing to start it and head it up if needed. Just not sure where to start being i don't know any parents in the area. I plan on scheduling a meeting with the principle next week to talk to her about starting a group, but am in need of a letter I can send home with all the kids to start getting interest and start planning the first meeting. Thank you in advance for any help!
- Charlia45

HI Charlia45!
Welcome to our community! We love hearing from folks starting up parent groups! We have lots of resources that will help you. Having a conversation with the principal is a good start. There may have once been a PTO at the school or there may be other parents talking about it as well and you could connect with them.

You can try a simple letter to parents requesting they join you for a casual get together to talk about starting up a PTO. We have great information in our File Exchange that you can download, print, and share with parents on why PTOs are a good idea. For instance, here's a link to a flyer on the 10 Reasons To Get Involved at School.

In your meeting, ask parents what ideas they might have, who would be interested in helping get the group off the ground. Here are some posts that will come in handy:

How To Start a PTO

Get Your PTO Up and Running

8 Habits of Highly Effective PTOs and PTAs

Defining the Role of a PTO

Good luck! And stay in touch! We'd love to hear how it goes.

- Rose H
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