

Board Position

Do you have to volunteer in order to run for a board position? Is there a bylaw stating you must volunteer in order to run for a position? The present board members, will not longer be able to be on the board due to not having a child in the elementary school after this year. Suddenly, we have certain parents wanting to be the President and Vice President, but have never volunteered their time with the school. I volunteer monthly and I am the coordinator on the PTO. It is more of a popularity contest, then an election for responsible board members that volunteer and want the kids to have exciting events and fundraisers.

It is what your bylaws say for your group. If you have people stepping up that is a good problem to have, maybe new and fresh ideas will come out of it, they may feel like this is a good time to start volunteering. Good luck-Cheryl PTO Today
- CherylB
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