

Election Procedures

Our bylaws say that we can take "nominations from the floor" for elections. However, this has had poor results in the past - it is mainly used as a way for troublemakers to surprise a candidate and not give them or the membership time to react. Often statements and accusations have been made that are simply not true, but in the heat of the moment most were not able to defend themselves adequately. I would like to amend the bylaws to read that nominations may be taken from the floor at the meeting preceding the election, but that no nominations will be accepted at the election meeting itself unless there is a position with no candidate. This will ensure that everyone has time to react and present correct fact and evaluate all the candidates. Is this unreasonable or bad practice?

Hi, it is always a good idea to get a committee together and review your bylaws and make changes where the committee feels it is needed. Cheryl-PTO Today
- CherylB
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