

Superintendent wants to approve everything

This is my third year as president of our PTO. We have a new superattendant in the board office and I was informed that anything the PTO does would have to be approved by him. I have never heard of this. Is this common?

Each school district has its own policy. He probably just wants to make sure he knows what is happening in his district. Being new, there are probably tons of things he needs to be aware of. We had a monthly meeting of all the parent group chairs at the different schools in our district. The superintendant came to those meetings and many things were discussed and brought to our attention as well as his. This might be a good time to set something like that up. I know we also had to have everthing approved by our principal - any flyers that went home, any events, etc. We met with our principal once a month and then she was also included on our agenda in our regular monthly meetings. It is an easy way to be sure no surprises come up on either side. You might want to meet with your superintendant and let him know your plans as they stand for the year. Make him aware that your principal works closely with you ((s)he does, right?) and would that be sufficient?
- bblake
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