

Should the Principal become a member of PTO by purchasing a membership?

Should the Principal become a member of PTO by purchasing a membership?
- horizonpv

To me, this is an impressions question much more than a $$ question or a bylaws kind of question. I imagine your dues are $5 or so, so it's not like this is going to make or break the bank. And the principal even without being a member has plenty of influence and decision-making authority. But the wise principal would probably offer to pay to show support for the parent group. At the same time, the wise PTO would probably offer the principal an honorary membership of some sort to show how much they appreciate the principal. Y'know? This is another reason I don't like dues, by the way. Lots of headaches. Not much money. Tim
- Rockne
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Our Principal was one of the first paying members of our PTA. She takes the PTA leadership very seriously and respects our limited authority. She leads by example and that is extremely helpful for us. As previously stated, it is more the symbolic gesture than getting $5 from an Administrator. However, our Board members also pay for membership..
- mustangpta
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